The Solar Scrubber
Dirt, dust and debris can accumulate on your solar panel surface, blocking some of the sunlight and reducing output. Industry reports say the lack of scheduled cleanings can cause solar panels to lose 7-20% of thier efficiency and increase a solar cells pay back time by 3-5 years. Please protect your investment by calling us today to schedule your appointment 702-205-3697 or thesolarscrubber@yahoo.com.
Mailing Address:
1398 St George Circle3
Prescott, AZ 86301
United States of America
Tel: 702-205-3697
Email: thesolarscrubber@yahoo.com
Website: http://thesolarscrubber.com
Company Category: Solar Power
Company Sector: Distributor
Keywords: solar panel cleaning service AZ-NV-NM 702-205-3697
Partner Status: Free Company Listing