International Wind Energy Development: World Market Update 2010

This year's World Market Updated includes a full chapter dedicated to Direct-Drive WTG versus Gearbox-Equipped WTG. The increased use of the direct-drive turbines across the wind market is impacting the wind industry. The World Market Update 2010 identifies and compares the pros and cons of both the direct-drive and gearbox-equipped concepts, as well as the implications of using permanent magnets on a large scale.


The basic principles of Joint Implementation are defined in Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol. Project participants from two (or more) Annex 1 Parties may jointly implement an emissions-reducing project in the territory of an Annex 1 Party, and count the resulting emission reduction units towards meeting the Kyoto target of the other involved Annex 1 Party/ies.

India Renewable Energy Market Trends Analysis and Forecasts

India Renewable Power Market Trends 2001 to 2020

Introduction to Emission Trading

Is carbon trading a way for developed countries to ease their collective conscience while continuing to emit more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere? In this essay I will try to analyze the basics of carbon trading and the means to fulfill individual goals of each country.

2010 Solar Deal Volume Comparison

The transaction landscape of 2010 highlights the increasing consolidation trend within the solar energy industry. Primarily, this consolidation occurred later in the value chain with acquisitions of EPC integrators/ developers and producers of solar energy. This trend is expected to continue as companies and investors look to increase their portfolios of completed solar projects and pipeline opportunities.

"Green jobs" Come in Every Shape and Size

Thousands of careers forced to change and adapt in the new energy economy

Solar Industry Mergers and Aquisitions - Q3 2010

Reprinted with permission from Lincoln International Deal Reader - Solar Energy

Who are The Renewables? What do they represent?

The Renewables™ are part of a multi-platform marketing and educational program for renewable energy and energy efficiency. This team of sustainable superheroes represents five sources of renewable energy and serves as educators, promoters, and spokespeople for clean energy and the environment.

Full Green Ahead In The Ontario Job Market

The Ontario Government's decision to promote clean renewable energy is now proving to be a catalyst for creating thousands of new green collar jobs in the province.

National Solar Jobs Census 2010

The National Solar Jobs Census 2010 is the first attempt to quantify the current employment and projected growth of the United States solar industry and is based on a statistically valid sampling of employers throughout the nation.1 The rapid increase of solar energy generation has warranted a credible study that examines the size and scope of the industry that until now, has been lacking.

Global Solar Photovoltaic Demand Up 54% Second Quarter and Expected to Double in 2010

Growth Spurred by Improved Financing Conditions and a Rush to Beat Feed-in Tariff Cuts in Europe

Global Small Hydro Power Market Analysis to 2020 - Installed Capacity, Generation, Investment Trends

Hydropower is the largest renewable source of power generation and currently accounts for about 20% of the world's total electricity supply. The world's hydropower installed capacity increased from 695.8GW (Gigawatts) in 2001 to 888.8GW in 2009, registering a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 3.1%. Since hydropower is a mature technology, it has witnessed a modest growth rate.

Florida is Keeping Pace: House Bill 7179

As the ceremonial handkerchiefs fell and the dust settled on a busy sine die, a bright piece of legislation emerged: House Bill 7179 (the "Bill"). This Bill, which was the last bill passed this legislative session, is a ground breaking piece of legislation that establishes Florida's Property Assessment Clean Energy (PACE) program.

Wal-Mart Telling Suppliers to Go Green

The World's First Quintuple Play

Resetting the Clock: RPS and Realizing Energy Independence

The most pressing questions surrounding energy policy now are: 1) How do we reach these goals? And 2) Are they even attainable? Advocates from both sides of the aisle and in many industries, such as wind, solar, biomass, nuclear, and even domestically sourced natural gas and clean coal, have all thrown their hats in the ring professing that their technological approach is the way to go if there is any hope of truly changing the energy landscape.

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