Solar on Houses Needed for 2020 Target

In the last ten years, the installed global solar energy capacity has multiplied nearly 50 times. The cost of purchasing and installing a solar panel has decreased by 80 percent in five years and is still falling. The comparable cost of electricity generation has made solar energy the cheapest energy source today, from being the most expensive only six years ago. This is truly a green revolution.

Solarodo - New and Used Solar Equipment Marketplace

We want to use the experience we gained in Europe and create the platform with the biggest product variety in the US.

NREL Research Puts the Wind at an Industry's Back

NREL's ultimate goal in this testing is to foster the technological developments necessary for wider deployment of wind energy in the marketplace at the lowest cost possible.

U.S. ethanol plant capacity increases for third consecutive year

The majority of the 195 ethanol plants, and most of the U.S. fuel ethanol production capacity, are located in the Midwest region

Africa's Off-grid Solar Market Is Booming

Investors will need to understand the differences between on-grid and off-grid solar. And a long term proof of bankability of the off-grid solar sector is still needed.

Solar Energy Becoming More Predictable Thanks to Forecasting

Ultimately, the use of forecasting allowed the plant operator to send commitments in line with what is required by the grid operator.

New SMART Wind Roadmap Aims to Expand U.S. Wind Turbine Manufacturers' Reach

Through the consensus-based roadmapping process, the SMART Wind Consortium has linked together more than 2 dozen distributed wind energy equipment manufacturers

State of the Market: Wind Power Projects in Egypt

The broad range of wind energy project sizes and locations in Egypt demonstrates the increasing importance of the country as a renewable energy producer, supplier, modular manufacturer, skills trainer and investment opportunity.

Storage Solutions for Alternative Energy

One obstacle that is holding back adoption to renewables is the lack of any efficient means of storing this energy. However, some highly innovative solutions might be able to help solve the issue of preserving alternative energy for long-term use.

Southern States Lead Growth in Biomass Electricity Generation

Several states, especially those in the South Census region, have increased their electricity generation from biomass.

EIA's Annual Energy Outlook is a Projection, not a Prediction

EIA's approach to addressing the inherent uncertainty surrounding the country's energy future is to develop multiple cases that reflect different sets of internally consistent assumptions about key sources of uncertainty such as future world oil prices, macroeconomic growth, energy resources, technology costs, and policies.

8 Wonders of the Solar World

Did you know that many of the worlds most distinguished, renowned, iconic, even historical buildings have gone solar?

New Reports: India is Open for Clean Energy Business

NRDC & Partners Show How Innovative Green Banks and Bonds Can Provide Major Boost and Help India Achieve its Ambitious Renewable Energy and Climate Goals

Wind generation growth slowed in 2015 as wind speeds declined in key regions

EIA's most recent Short-Term Energy Outlook projects that wind generation will increase 16% in 2016, as significant capacity additions are expected to come online, adding another 6 GW, or 9%, to operating wind capacity in 2015.

Permanent Magnet Technology: The Wind Industry's New Drive Train Standard

As PMG+FPC drive trains outperform DFIGs from both a full-cycle cost-efficiency and reliability perspective, the turbine manufacturing industry needs to revise some of its old assumptions and obsolete turbine technology choices to embrace the generator technology that leads to better AEP.

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