Letters to the Editor

I have a very deep belief in America's capabilities. Within the next 10 years we can accomplish our energy independence, if we as a nation truly set our goals to accomplish this. I happen to believe that we can do it.

Microbial Fuel Cells

Among various processes of electricity generation, microbial technique is one of the promising avenues as it does not emit any green house gases. MFC does not contain any rotating parts so it gives continuous electricity without mechanical damage of the equipment and its maintenance cost is minimal.

Rebuilding a Green New Orleans

All in all, I am impressed with some of the strides that have been taken in rebuilding the coast with green in mind. While by no means is it an end to the challenges on being more efficient and using more alternative energy, it is a a start.

Renewable Energy a must for Australia

This is a summary of a speech by Dr Herman Scheer at the University of NSW in March 2006. Dr Scheer, as a member of the German parliament was instrumental in shaping Germany's renewable energy policies.

Review - "An Inconvenient Truth"

One does not have to absorb or completely believe all that is presented to make "An Inconvenient Truth" one of slickest, and most palpable documentaries to come out of Hollywood for quite some time.

Solar: The No-Risk Path to Wealth Creation

While all investments pose some degree of risk, the return on a solar energy system is about as safe and predictable as, well, the rising sun. Fortunately for the Earth and its varied inhabitants, the center of our solar system is situated well beyond the reach of humanity's capacity to tamper with a good thing.

Taking the Green Route with Fuel Cell Buses

Fuel cell buses appear destined to be a major part of transit fleets, reducing petroleum dependence and providing a truly zero emission mobility option.

Water Conservation & Xeriscape Conference

The Expo now draws over 3,000 residents to a free day of seminars, demonstrations, and exhibits for both adults and children.

Wind Energy Collection using Contra-Rotation

Contra-rotation, using two rotors one behind the other, driving the two halves of an electrical generator. Thus creating a true "Wind Turbine".

Back to the Future With Plankton Power

Ocean plankton restoration offers a powerful remedial approach to global warming that also rescues critical ecosystems, profitably finances itself, and can help allay further resistance to CO2 regulation based on economic qualms.

Commercial Hot Water Technology Offers 400% Efficiency

The system is connected to refrigeration grade tubing that is placed in direct contact with the renewable heat source in the upper 100 feet of the earth's surface. The ground temperature is stable year round, and in the U.S., ranges from 42 degrees at the Canadian border to 78 degrees in the southern extreme.

Editorial Comments

The February eMagazine covers topics including Geothermal and Solar Energy, Hydrogen Production, Supergreen Ship Building and Plankton Power long with some technical papers and conference reports.

Grow Houseplants Organically to Improve Air Quality

In this article, we offer a few tips on growing houseplants without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. That way, you can clean the air of your home or office without the potentially harmful effects of chemicals!

How much heat do you really need?

Passive solar design takes the pressure off conventional heating and cooling systems.

Hydrogen Production Technology ― Light-Powered Generation

Phoenix funding is employed in the basic photoelectrochemical design of innovative, complex "molecular machines" that can split water into its hydrogen and oxygen components by harnessing energy sourced from the complete solar light spectrum.

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Canadian Solar - HiKuBlack - Black Backsheet & Frame (Mono)

Canadian Solar - HiKuBlack - Black Backsheet & Frame (Mono)

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