The Long-term Energy Storage Conundrum and Its Impact on the Clean Energy Transition
UK based Storelectric, discusses the current state of the clean energy transition worldwide, the need for long-duration energy storage, the place for hydrogen in national grids, and a way to eliminate the renewable energy intermittency issue.
Staying "On" in an "Off" Year
2021 was a tough year, but we've all been through challenges before, and we can collectively overcome them again. Editorial from Glenn Jakins, serial entrepreneur and CEO at Humless, a Utah energy storage company.
Accelerating Solar Sales with Utility Bill Data
From identifying more accurate qualifications and better targets to enhancing assessments and ROI calculations, solar providers stand to gain a tremendous competitive advantage with the help of cost and consumption data from utility bills.
Solar CEO Tackles 10 Tough Objections to Renewable Energy
Here are some effective ways to convince the powers that are, well, in power but not necessarily in the know when it comes to power, about the value solar power has.
Why and When Does a Solar Panel Brand Matter or Not?
Along with the warranty, youll need to consider the companys ability to honor its warranty. Is the company (either the installer or the panel maker) an established player in the industry? If not, its hard to know how reliable and stable the brand will be
Harnessing the Energy of the Sun for a Sustainable Tomorrow
When looking at potential solutions to becoming more self reliant/sustainable with energy, the conversation needs to begin with taking a hard look on how energy is being used today. There are several outside the box solutions that naturally lend themselves to sustainability
Learning From Solar's Past Mistakes to Ensure a Brighter Future
There is no doubting the magnitude of opportunity facing the global solar industry now and in the coming years. However, the industry must reflect on past failures and put in place processes which ensure they are not repeated.
Here's the truth behind five solar panel myths
If youre considering installing a solar panel system on your home, here are five common myths - and why you shouldnt believe them.
Powerwall Type Batteries
There are many reasons to purchase a battery system for the home or business, starting with natural disasters, but a battery system, tied into a solar system, will maximize self-consumption of solar power, reduce grid costs, increase the resiliency of electricity, and take a home or business completely off grid with minimal fossil fuels.
Why Wind and Solar Are Better Together
Currently, wind generation sites are the cheapest version to build in the United States. Solar tends to be significantly more expensive to develop and construct. Creating one site for both forms is much more affordable, yet offers all the advantages covered above.
Will the World Do Enough to Improve the Use of Sustainable Energy by 2020?
The need for renewable energy is high, but governments need to commit to salvation of the future. Short-term goals shouldnt come at the cost of our future.
Is solar power in nuclear disaster exclusion zones advisable?
ARNOLD GUNDERSEN for Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: My own experience near solar arrays in Fukushima Prefecture indicates that the problems of building and maintaining solar installations in a contaminated nuclear wasteland are over-simplified, and worse, totally ignored. One of the greatest burdens of maintaining operating atomic reactors is the cost of working in a Radiologically Controlled Area. (The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory defines a Radiologically Controlled Area as: “Any area to which access is managed to protect individuals from exposure to radiation or radioactive materials. Individuals who enter Controlled Areas without entering Radiological Areas are not expected to receive a total effective dose equivalent of more than 0.1 rem (0.001 Sievert) in a year.”) Each nuclear power plant operates with specific instructions and constraints, with Radiation Work Permits tailored for each specific maintenance activity. Because special clothing, special respiratory equipment, and special radiation monitoring equipment are routinely required to perform even minimum maintenance activities inside a nuclear power plant, every activity takes longer, costs more, and requires more people inside each reactor than necessary in any other industrial setting.
Consequently, the question becomes: Does building solar panels on land contaminated with nuclear waste resemble work in a normal industrial setting, or is it more similar to work inside a radiologically contaminated atomic reactor—at significantly higher cost? Full Article:
Energy Returned Over Energy Invested - a concept introduced in a paper by Dr John Morgan, which I found in Principia Scientific under the heading The Catch-22 of Energy Storage.
Choosing Your Own Energy Provider
When customers can make choices in the energy market with their own dollars, the end result is that they are not only more aware of the market, but also able to direct future investment in energy infrastructure.
Why Firing David Crane was a Huge Mistake
Its our opinion that neither performance nor profits were really to blame- but the industry itself. They simply shot the messenger.
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