Solar Air Heat, a Proven Renewable Supplement to Residential/Commercial Heating.
A new solar air heater has been engineered to provide homeowners, architects and builders with the performance of a highly efficient solar air heat collector with the look of a conventional skylight.
Five months without sales would have put most companies out of business. Luckily our overheads are minimal since we are Section 21 Non-profit. However, it was with great relief that we did eventually manage to persuade another moulder to make the cases.... but here lies the best bit of the story.
Capturing Energy With Thermal Mass
The sun's heat passes through the windows and gets absorbed by dense materials like brick, stone, concrete, or rammed earth that will store the heat and release it later. Also called "Thermal Mass", these heavy materials serve to keep the house from overheating when the sun shines and later release heat when the sun is not shining.
The single solar panel provides dc power to assist the fan that moves air across the outdoor coil, a key part of any home comfort system. The fan has an ac motor for normal operation and a special dc motor that assists whenever sufficient sunlight is available.
Case Studies from SolarWall
Here are two case studies about SolarWall. NREL - Research Support Facility is pictured below and Northern Arizona University - Distance Learning Center
Selling Solar Thermal
It is clear the PV industry has done a much better job communicating solar electric. I understand the various industry associations recognize this confusion. I hope we see more of the consumer marketing aimed not just at solar thermal but explaining the differences and how a dual energy system is another good option to leverage their solar investment.
Solar Thermal Systems
Alanod-Solar is the world's largest manufacturer of high selective absorbing surfaces for solar hot water and commercial process heat + high reflecting aluminum mirrors for CPV, CSP, and combined heat and power.
Fresh Outlook On Fresh Air
Solarwall is a solar, fresh air, heating and ventilation system
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Featured Product
SOLTEC - SFOne single axis tracker
SFOne is the 1P single-axis tracker by Soltec. This tracker combines the mechanical simplicity with the extraordinary expertise of Soltec for more than 18 years. Specially designed for larger 72 an 78 cell modules, this tracker is self-powered thanks to its dedicated module, which results into a lower cost-operational power supply. The SFOne has a 5% less piles than standard competitor, what reduces a 75% the labor time.