Rooftop Solar's Unspoken Truth: Fires and Safety Risks are Uncomfortably Common
Due to inconsistent installation practices, intense manufacturer competition, and sometimes conflicting motives between Operations and Maintenance (O&M) providers and end-owners, the risk of fires looming on rooftop installations is uncomfortably common.
Avoid Cross-mating of PV Connectors
Not only the selection of quality components but also their correct handling is crucial for the PV plant's profitability and safety. Therefore, it is essential to know and understand the technical impacts when installing and connecting the various elements.
The First PV Connectors for Harsh Environmental Conditions
Requirements for operating electrical installations in ambient temperatures over 70°C or at altitudes higher than 6,500 feet differ from the requirements for standard installations due to the different climate conditions.
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Our RE Series batteries are designed to provide the highest peak capacity, longest cycle life, and greatest reliability for use in industrial or residential renewable energy applications. Renewable Energy Series batteries utilize the company's exclusive XC2™ formulation and Diamond Plate Technology® to create the industry's most efficient battery plates, delivering greater watt-hours per liter and watt-hours per kilogram than any other flooded lead-acid battery in the market. Our Deep Cycle batteries are engineered to work with solar panels as well as other renewable energy applications.